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Barack Obama personal blog.

Blog seorang calon presiden negara adidaya Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama.

Dengan tagline blognya :
"i'm asking you to believe, not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours"

Here we provide his quick review based on quickoverview.com

Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961) is the junior U.S. Senator from Illinois. According to the U.S. Senate Historical Office, he is the fifth African American Senator in U.S. history and the only African American now serving in the U.S. Senate. Obama delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention while still serving in the Illinois State Senate. In November 2004, he was elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat by a landslide in a presidential election year marked by Republican gains. Recent opinion polls identify Obama as the second most popular choice among Democratic voters for their party's nomination in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, after Hillary Clinton. He is married to Mrs. Michelle Obama and is a father to two daughters.

Inilah salah satu calon presiden amerika, dalam berbagai review serta hasil polling sementara di amerika sana banyak dijagokan. Namun benarkah dia bisa mewujudkan impian amerika ( all american dreams ) di masa mendatang ? itulah pertanyaannya yang sekarang menggelayut di benak serta pikiran rakyat amerika.

Keputusan-keputusan apa yang akan diambil untuk serangkaian kegiatan tentara Amerika di Timur Tengah? Akankah dia berhadapan langsung dengan sang visioner muda
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran.

Akankah statement di bawah ini dilaksanakan?

Plan for Ending the War in Iraq

“But conventional thinking in Washington lined up for war. The pundits judged the political winds to be blowing in the direction of the President. Despite - or perhaps because of how much experience they had in Washington, too many politicians feared looking weak and failed to ask hard questions. Too many took the President at his word instead of reading the intelligence for themselves. Congress gave the President the authority to go to war. Our only opportunity to stop the war was lost.

I made a different judgment. I thought our priority had to be finishing the fight in Afghanistan. I spoke out against what I called 'a rash war' in Iraq. I worried about, ‘an occupation of undetermined length, with undetermined costs, and undetermined consequences.’ The full accounting of those costs and consequences will only be known to history. But the picture is beginning to come into focus.”

—Barack Obama, Clinton, Iowa, September 12, 2007

Hanya Tuhan yang tahu jawabannya, serta waktu yang akan jadi saksi hidupnya.


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