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Cuplikan kasus misterius versi kapanlagi.com

Berikut isi email pendek dari seseorang bernama Gabo yang mengaku sebagai kekasih Gaby.

Yth Kapanlagi

perkenalkn aku pacarnya gaby, sebut saja nama ku gabo. hari ini aku sempatin rekam laguku untuk kapanlagi. Lagu ini aku tulis sebagai jawaban lagunya gaby karena aku sagt cinta dia. sampae kapanpun aku cinta dia. Aku nggak tahu kemana mencarinya tapi aku rela ninggalin dunia ini untuk dia. Mohon bantuan sampaikan lagu ini ke gaby dimanapun dia brada mskipun aku akan menyampaikannya sendirijuga.satu kataku buat gaby aku menyesal dan aku selalu mencintaimu. terimakasijh

Cuplikan versi Tim Silet
Akhirnya setelah lama memilih untuk diam. Agnes davonar memutuskan untuk memberikan kralifikasi dengan Silet. Tim Silet dipilih karena selama ini lebih berimbang dalam menuturkan sebuah fakta sesuai logonya Setajam SILET. Tim Silet meminta waktu untuk melakukan wawancara yang dilakukang di sebuah cafe.

Fenomena yang kini sedang terjadi di masyarakat secara luas telah membuat cemas sang penulis akibat tulisan yang ia buat. Untuk meredahkan dan mengikis paranoid mistik , Agnes davonar pun menceritakan kenyataan sesungguhnya tentang misteri Gaby.

Sesuai yang pernah diutarakan lewat pernyataannya, Agnes davonar tidak pernah mengira tulisan yang ia buat karena terinpirasi oleh lagu Jauh, begitu membius para pembacanya yang diikuti oleh alunan mistik bahwa kisah itu nyata apa adanya. Penulis telah beberapa kali mengatakan jika cerita itu hanyalah sebuah fiksi alias tidak nyata. Namun kenyataan sesungguhnya malah sebaliknya. Hal ini mengundang kecemasan yang berlebihan di masyarakat.

Agnes davonar dalam wawancara dengan Tim Silet mengatakan awal mula lagu itu ia dapatkan ketika berada di Bali dalam sebuah acara tenis internasional. Lagu itu diberikan oleh seorang teman yang sering memperdengarkan kepadanya. akhirnya ia membawa lagu itu ke Jakarta. Karena keaktifannya dalam menulis cerita , ia pun menalarkan lagu itu melalui cerita yang ia buat. Pembaca Agnes davonar memang tidak perlu diragukan lagi. Karya yang ia beri judul " Kisah lirik terakhir" merupakan karya ke 37 nya saat itu.

Agnes juga menyarankan pembacanya untuk mendengarkan lagu jauh yang dapat didownload di blognya. Namun inilah awal permasalahan terjadi, kisah ceritanya dibajak dan disebarkan melalui blog ke blog lainnya kemudian di publish di beberapa situs internet. Akibatnya, berkembanglah isu kalau cerita itu adalah nyata. kisah itu adalah kisah seorang gadis yang bunuh diri karena ditinggal kekasihnya. Memang benar dalam kisah itu dikisahkan sang gadis memutuskan untuk bunuh diri.Namun kisah itu 100% hanya fiksi.

Tanggapan terhadap Kisah lirik terakhir berkembang pesat 3 bulan kemudian di dunia maya. Agnes davonar pun diminta untuk membuat kisah itu menjadi novel agar lebih mendetil. karena ingin memanjakan pembacanya ia pun membuat kisah itu dalam bentuk novel online bersambung hingga episode ke enam. Namun kisah mistik itu semakin merebak dan membuat semakin banyak orang yang berburu tentang kisahnya di internet. Akhirnya berkembanglah berbagai versi yang mengatakan kisah kematian Gaby dengan berbagai versi yang menakutkan.

Agnes davonar merasa sangat bersalah karena kisahnya membuat perkembangan rumit. Ia pun memutuskan untuk mencari tau siapa pemilik lagu tersebut, tampaknya jalan itu mulus ketika ia berkenalan dengan band Caramel asal surabaya namun kenyataannya tidak seperti diharapkan. Ia pun akhirnya memutuskan untuk membiarkan polemik ini berkembang hingga akhirnya kisahnya melebar dari dunia maya ke dunia kenyataan.

Pendapatku?! entahlah !

Homosexuals and homosexuality are natural and created by God, thus permissible within Islam, a discussion concluded here Thursday.

Moderate Muslim scholars said there were no reasons to reject homosexuals under Islam, and that the condemnation of homosexuals and homosexuality by mainstream ulema and many other Muslims was based on narrow-minded interpretations of Islamic teachings.

Siti Musdah Mulia of the Indonesia Conference of Religions and Peace cited the Koran's al-Hujurat (49:3) that one of the blessings for human beings was that all men and women are equal, regardless of ethnicity, wealth, social positions or even sexual orientation.

"There is no difference between lesbians and nonlesbians. In the eyes of God, people are valued based on their piety," she told the discussion organized by nongovernmental organization Arus Pelangi.

"And talking about piety is God's prerogative to judge," she added.

"The essence of the religion (Islam) is to humanize humans, respect and dignify them."

Musdah said homosexuality was from God and should be considered natural, adding it was not pushed only by passion.

Mata Air magazine managing editor Soffa Ihsan said Islam's acknowledgement of heterogeneity should also include homosexuality.

He said Muslims needed to continue to embrace ijtihad (the process of making a legal decision by independent interpretation of the Koran and the Sunnah) to avoid being stuck in the old paradigm without developing open-minded interpretations.

Another speaker at the discussion, Nurofiah of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), said the dominant notion of heterogeneity was a social construction, leading to the banning of homosexuality by the majority.

"Like gender bias or patriarchy, heterogeneity bias is socially constructed. It would be totally different if the ruling group was homosexuals," she said.

Other speakers said the magnificence of Islam was that it could be blended and integrated into local culture.

"In fact, Indonesia's culture has accepted homosexuality. The homosexual group in Bugis-Makassar tradition called Bissu is respected and given a high position in the kingdom.

"Also, we know that in Ponorogo (East Java) there has been acknowledgement of homosexuality," Arus Pelangi head Rido Triawan said.

Condemnation of homosexuality was voiced by two conservative Muslim groups, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) and Hizbut Thahir Indonesia (HTI).

"It's a sin. We will not consider homosexuals an enemy, but we will make them aware that what they are doing is wrong," MUI deputy chairman Amir Syarifuddin said.

Rokhmat, of the hardline HTI, several times asked homosexual participants in attendance to repent and force themselves to gradually return to the right path.

The Jakarta Post , Jakarta | Fri, 03/28/2008 1:38 AM | Headlines

Cara dan tahapan dalam mencoba download lagu MP3 menggunakan Program MIRC.

Download MP3 Music use mIRC is simple and easy as long as you have a stable internet connection. MIRC is an Internet Relay Chat (IRC) application which running on Windows platform and has developed by Khaled Mardam Bey in 1995. Along to chatt with other people, MIRC also ability to send/receive a wide range of files, including videos, pictures and MP3s from/to others users who have connected at the same server. It also integrated scripting language, makes it extensible and versatile.

Here’s 9 step you need to do :
Step 1:
Download the latest version of mIRC from here and save onto local drive and install it (The installation process is very simple, just like other windows application).

Step 2:
As you run for the first time, you must fill out the options box with the full name, email address, nickname and alternative. Remember : After you fill out the box, don’t forget to click “OK”.

Step 3:
Click on category
DCC and choose Auto-get file — minimize — resume — and Auto-accept, just like the picture below.

Step 4:
Back to the category “Servers” and choose
PhaZeNet — and choose Random server — allows the program to randomly connect onto PhaZe Network. Hit Connect To Server button, please wait a moment for connection process.

Step 5:
When you’ve connected, the Channel list or mIRC favorites box should be appear, and you are able to type the channel name with
#mp3albums, then click “Join�?. It will direct you into #mp3albums room.

Step 6:
Now, you’re in #mp3albums room! In order to get your favorite song just type on the status like this : @find artist — tittle OR @locator artist — tittle, but if you’ve forget the artist just type the tittle song or contrarily. If available, the others chatter/robot(built by script) will automate notice you the list of songs that you’ve searching for.

Step 7:
On the right side near a nickname list, you’ll found a many of users that notice you about the songs, just click one-by-one to view the song.

Step 8:
Click/Choose one of the nickname on the list (usually in red color), then block the song which start from character �?!�? to end. Click the screenshot below to re-size if it isn’t clear for you. Oh, if you using mIRC when you block the words, it same with copy. So, please do not confused how to copy the song. For example : I’ve choose

Step 9:
After you’ve block/copied the song, you must paste into the “Status�?, wait a moment — your request will be processing and it’s depends on your Queue position. For example : My nickname is superman and i need to get The Reason from Hoobastank and my Queue Position is 1, off course in a view second the Free2Xs could be send (DCC Chat) the song for me immediately :). Click on the image to view a large screenshot.

I hope this tuts will help you to download MP3 Music use mIRC and remember this is just for knowledge. Many Thanx to www.todaygadgets.com for this article.

Ps : kami tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap segala bentuk tindakan dan resiko yang terkait dengan artikel ini. Artikel ini hanya berbagi pengetahuan saja.

Google has just release a version of Google Maps for Blackberry Pearl which supports voice search, but it will compatible with the Blackberry 8110, 8120 and 8130 (US Only). The search function can be download at Google’s site direct from your Blackberry device, and when the installed process is complete, you can speak your search simply by pressing the left-side key. Once you’re done to speak the location as you need to find, Google Maps for mobile will throwing out the request and search the map. ( todaygadgets.com )

Related Post

Barack Obama personal blog.

Blog seorang calon presiden negara adidaya Amerika Serikat, Barack Obama.

Dengan tagline blognya :
"i'm asking you to believe, not just in my ability to bring about real change in Washington...I'm asking you to believe in yours"

Here we provide his quick review based on quickoverview.com

Barack Hussein Obama (born August 4, 1961) is the junior U.S. Senator from Illinois. According to the U.S. Senate Historical Office, he is the fifth African American Senator in U.S. history and the only African American now serving in the U.S. Senate. Obama delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention while still serving in the Illinois State Senate. In November 2004, he was elected to the United States Senate as a Democrat by a landslide in a presidential election year marked by Republican gains. Recent opinion polls identify Obama as the second most popular choice among Democratic voters for their party's nomination in the 2008 U.S. presidential election, after Hillary Clinton. He is married to Mrs. Michelle Obama and is a father to two daughters.

Inilah salah satu calon presiden amerika, dalam berbagai review serta hasil polling sementara di amerika sana banyak dijagokan. Namun benarkah dia bisa mewujudkan impian amerika ( all american dreams ) di masa mendatang ? itulah pertanyaannya yang sekarang menggelayut di benak serta pikiran rakyat amerika.

Keputusan-keputusan apa yang akan diambil untuk serangkaian kegiatan tentara Amerika di Timur Tengah? Akankah dia berhadapan langsung dengan sang visioner muda
Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, President of Iran.

Akankah statement di bawah ini dilaksanakan?

Plan for Ending the War in Iraq

“But conventional thinking in Washington lined up for war. The pundits judged the political winds to be blowing in the direction of the President. Despite - or perhaps because of how much experience they had in Washington, too many politicians feared looking weak and failed to ask hard questions. Too many took the President at his word instead of reading the intelligence for themselves. Congress gave the President the authority to go to war. Our only opportunity to stop the war was lost.

I made a different judgment. I thought our priority had to be finishing the fight in Afghanistan. I spoke out against what I called 'a rash war' in Iraq. I worried about, ‘an occupation of undetermined length, with undetermined costs, and undetermined consequences.’ The full accounting of those costs and consequences will only be known to history. But the picture is beginning to come into focus.”

—Barack Obama, Clinton, Iowa, September 12, 2007

Hanya Tuhan yang tahu jawabannya, serta waktu yang akan jadi saksi hidupnya.

Blog seorang Presiden, Presiden Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's Personal Memos, ini tagline yang di tampilkan di Blog-nya seorang presiden, Presiden Iran.

Begitu banyak Pro dan Kontra mengenai berbagai kebijakan yang diambilnya. Bahkan apa yang dikatakan serta dilakukannya menjadi sorotan dunia terutama Amerika. pada detik yang sama, apabila beliau berkata atau mengambil tindakan apalagi sebuah keputusan akan menjadi sebuah agenda rapat super penting di dunia barat mungkin juga di belahan dunia yang lain. Entahlah.

Namun yang ambil hikmahnya disini adalah kesediaan beliau untuk meluangkan waktunya mengisi dan mem-posting berbagai tulisan dan buah pikirannya dalam sebuah memo publish blog.
Cuplikan blognya berbunyi,

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
In the Name of Almighty God, the All-Knowing, the Most Lovingly Compassionate

One's perspective regarding government and governance determines the way one ‎should cooperate with the people. If one recognizes government as a privilege and prey ‎of the governors, then the period of governance can be counted as an opportunity to fulfill ‎the expectations of certain individuals and groups or the ostentation and hedonism of the ‎governors.‎

But if in our view, "government" would be a responsibility before God for ‎establishing justice and a duty to ensure the rights of common people, serving the ‎servants of God and helping the oppressed- then the most important issue will be the ‎people's concerns. If this is the case, governors would not view themselves as better than ‎other people and they wouldn't put themselves in any other position except serving the ‎people. ‎

Written by Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at 22:21

Blog resmi beliau bisa anda liat di link berikut ini : blog seorang presiden

Maaf bila banyak kekurangan, moga bermanfaat.

The Apple iPhone is a PDA phone with a Mac OS operating system. It also includes plenty of features such as: Bluetooth, a full keyboard, a handsfree speakerphone mode built-in and EDGE high speed wireless data

If you want more ringtones in your iPhone, you can get that in my port right here.

Just simply click this for free download ringtones site list

or you just read more in this blog

Mobile Music is also known as the Wireless Music. This includes mobile phone ring tones, color ring back tones, and mobile phone music (MP3). Caller ring back tones (CRBT) also known as Ring back tones. The caller ring back tone allows you to choose a song or music which your friends or family can hear when they call you.

Downloading ring tones from websites is a huge fad amongst teenagers who are crazy about ring tones. It should be noted that downloading music isn’t all that easy. Some sites offer it free of charge, while on others, one has to pay a small amount. Also one should have knowledge about mobile hand-sets.

That is, know about the full functionality of the personal hand-set. Not all mobiles can accept MP3 formats from websites offering free ring tones. This all depends on the model of the hand-set, brand and features included in the mobile.

Due to this booming business of ring tones, many companies have come up selling pirated copies of songs or music which is illegal to have. A small Royalty amount is paid by a downloader and then the ring tone is passed on to others free of charge. Many industry bodies discovered that piracy was taking place from the mobile sellers end. They would store many latest songs into the hand-set without paying the royalty fees, before the cells were sold to the customers.

Well known websites collect these ring tone royalties and give them to the music companies and the performing rights society. Only 10% is kept by them. Their main work is to convert songs to the digital format for mobile phones and in the process charge a fee from the web users.
Seeing the growth of this booming ring tone market, many have joined this race to make money. Especially music companies such as MTV have joined hands with their cities telecommunication service to provide them with music and songs to be sold directly to the mobile customers. How the customer purchases the ring tone, from which website, which particular music or song is in demand, and offering competitive prices for the ring tone, are all taken into consideration by both the music companies and the telecommunication networks.

Mobile carriers too are able to offset their huge infrastructure investments with revenues form Mobile ringtones and other related content. It’s has turned into a significantly large revenue stream for telecom operators.
Brands are also reaching out to young consumers through mobile phones. Ad jingles are being converted into ringtones, as they generate brand recall. Specialist mobile marketing firms are helping brands to acquire and retain consumers via mobile music. It can be said finally, that the Music Ring tone or Wireless Music is the most profit making business currently.

Its booming market along side-by-side with some of the Music Companies shows that it is here to stay and introduce many more attractive features for the future and present interested buyers. Irrespective of the piracy act, it is here to stay, serve and boom in the market. ( www.prlog.org )

Here is Free Ringtone Site List for Free Download :

http://www.funformobile.com/pages/ringtone/uploadRingtone.php http://www.funformobile.com/pages/gallery/search.php http://birdseye.ultralab.net:8080/refs/uploads/1/free-ringtone.html http://cellphones.about.com/od/phoneslideshow/ss/ss_rng.htm
http://pub39.bravenet.com/guestbook/3313156018 http://www.ringophone.com/ringtone-composer.asp?tab=4&type=freebies http://enyau.melbart.com/get-free-ringtone-for-my-tracfone.html

Hasil Seleksi PSB Kota Bandung Tahun 2008

Melihat pengumuman hasil seleksi penerimaan siswa/i SMP, SMA, dan SMK di kota Bandung untuk Thaun 2008, sangat dinanti oleh seluruh siswa/i dan para orang tua di kota Bandung.

Namun pengumuman hasil seleksi ini baru dapat di lihat secara online di internet per hari kemarin (2 Juni 2008 ).

Hasil komfirmasi ke beberapa sumber yang dapat di percaya, mengatakan bahwa server dan database yang digunakan untuk menampilkan Hasil Pengumuman PSB ini terhambat beberapa kendala. Termasuk di dalam nya keterlambatan Pihak Dinas Pendidikan Indonesia ( Disdik Indonesia ) dalam menyalurkan dana bagi pengembang dan pelaksana lapangan pengumuman hasil PSB ini.

Untuk melihat hasil seleksi PSB Kota Bandung berikut cluster sekolahnya di bawah ini,

Siswa/i SMP dapat dilihat di :
Link ini

Siswa/i SMA dapat dilihat di :
Link ini

Siswa/i SMK dapat dilihat di :
Link ini

Atau bisa langsung mengakses ke Situs Resmi PSB Kota Bandung di : Link ini

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